Post by WINN HOLDEN BRANTON. on Jul 29, 2009 19:56:42 GMT -5
yes you could! it's the border-bottom for the catbg, I beleive, in the CSS at the top of the header. Let me just find the codes and get them for you... This might be a little hard to do, because Proboards skins aren't just a cut-and-paste method, there'll be a lot of different feilds we'll have to fiddle with.
And I should probably let you know that a lot of these codes are NOT part of the skin, just stuff that I threw in there when I was using it for my site. Stuff like the member legend and the links in the submenu can and definitely should be edited to fit your site!
firs thing's first, go to HEADERS/FOOTERS and then Headers and Footers Preferences. Make sure that everything is as follows:
Header position: above title bar global headers potision: below title bar header display order: global header first footer display order: global footer second.
Now we can go to your Skins panel and go to modify your skin. As with pretty much any pb skin that is more than just the colours that you plug into the skin panel, You won't be able to have more than one skin, because you can only have one set of headers and footers. So... I know, that sucks, but yeah.
Just plug these colours and all in to where they're supposed to be:
Post by WINN HOLDEN BRANTON. on Jul 29, 2009 20:02:49 GMT -5
okay. Now for the headers and footers- first, the GLOBAL ones.
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Post by WINN HOLDEN BRANTON. on Jul 29, 2009 20:03:48 GMT -5
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this.wordFlags = new Array( this.wordWin.textInputs.length ); for( var i=0; i<this.wordFlags.length; i++ ) { this.wordFlags = []; } this._spellcheck(); return true; } function ignoreWord() { var wi = this.currentWordIndex; var ti = this.currentTextIndex; if( !this.wordWin ) { alert( 'Error: Word frame not available.' ); return false; } if( !this.wordWin.getTextVal( ti, wi )) { alert( 'Error: "Not in dictionary" text is missing.' ); return false; } if( this._setAsIgnored( ti, wi, this.ignrWordFlag )) { this.currentWordIndex++; this._spellcheck(); } } function ignoreAll() { var wi = this.currentWordIndex; var ti = this.currentTextIndex; if( !this.wordWin ) { alert( 'Error: Word frame not available.' ); return false; } var s_word_to_repl = this.wordWin.getTextVal( ti, wi ); if( !s_word_to_repl ) { alert( 'Error: "Not in dictionary" text is missing' ); return false; } this._setAsIgnored( ti, wi, this.ignrAllFlag ); for( var i = ti; i < this.wordWin.textInputs.length; i++ ) { for( var j = 0; j < this.wordWin.totalWords( i ); j++ ) { if(( i == ti && j > wi ) || i > ti ) { if(( this.wordWin.getTextVal( i, j ) == s_word_to_repl ) && ( !this.wordFlags[j] )) { this._setAsIgnored( i, j, this.fromIgnrAll ); } } } } this.currentWordIndex++; this._spellcheck();}function replaceWord() { var wi = this.currentWordIndex; var ti = this.currentTextIndex; if( !this.wordWin ) { alert( 'Error: Word frame not available.' ); return false; } if( !this.wordWin.getTextVal( ti, wi )) { alert( 'Error: "Not in dictionary" text is missing' ); return false; } if( !this.controlWin.replacementText ) { return; } var txt = this.controlWin.replacementText; if( txt.value ) { var newspell = new String( txt.value ); if( this._setWordText( ti, wi, newspell, this.replWordFlag )) { this.currentWordIndex++; this._spellcheck(); } }}function replaceAll() { var ti = this.currentTextIndex; var wi = this.currentWordIndex; if( !this.wordWin ) { alert( 'Error: Word frame not available.' ); return false; } var s_word_to_repl = this.wordWin.getTextVal( ti, wi ); 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alert( msg ); } if( numrepl > 0 ) { for( var i = 0; i < this.textInputs.length; i++ ) { if( this.wordWin ) { if( this.wordWin.textInputs ) { this.textInputs.value = this.wordWin.textInputs; } } } } this.spellCheckerWin.close(); return true; }function undo() { var ti = this.currentTextIndex; var wi = this.currentWordIndex; if( this.wordWin.totalPreviousWords( ti, wi ) > 0 ) { this.wordWin.removeFocus( ti, wi ); do { if( this.currentWordIndex == 0 && this.currentTextIndex > 0 ) { this.currentTextIndex--; this.currentWordIndex = this.wordWin.totalWords( this.currentTextIndex )-1; if( this.currentWordIndex < 0 ) this.currentWordIndex = 0; } else { if( this.currentWordIndex > 0 ) { this.currentWordIndex--; } } } while ( this.wordWin.totalWords( this.currentTextIndex ) == 0 || this.wordFlags[this.currentTextIndex][this.currentWordIndex] == this.fromIgnrAll || this.wordFlags[this.currentTextIndex][this.currentWordIndex] == this.fromReplAll ); var text_idx = this.currentTextIndex; var idx = this.currentWordIndex; var preReplSpell = this.wordWin.originalSpellings[text_idx][idx]; if( this.wordWin.totalPreviousWords( text_idx, idx ) == 0 ) { this.controlWin.disableUndo(); } switch( this.wordFlags[text_idx][idx] ) { case this.replAllFlag : for( var i = text_idx; i < this.wordWin.textInputs.length; i++ ) { for( var j = 0; j < this.wordWin.totalWords( i ); j++ ) { if(( i == text_idx && j >= idx ) || i > text_idx ) { var origSpell = this.wordWin.originalSpellings[j]; if( origSpell == preReplSpell ) { this._setWordText ( i, j, origSpell, undefined ); } } } } break; case this.ignrAllFlag : for( var i = text_idx; i < this.wordWin.textInputs.length; i++ ) { for( var j = 0; j < this.wordWin.totalWords( i ); j++ ) { if(( i == text_idx && j >= idx ) || i > text_idx ) { var origSpell = this.wordWin.originalSpellings[j]; if( origSpell == preReplSpell ) { this.wordFlags[j] = undefined; } } } } break; case this.replWordFlag : this._setWordText ( text_idx, idx, preReplSpell, undefined ); break; } this.wordFlags[text_idx][idx] = undefined; this._spellcheck(); }}function _spellcheck() { var ww = this.wordWin; if( this.currentWordIndex == ww.totalWords( this.currentTextIndex) ) { this.currentTextIndex++; this.currentWordIndex = 0; if( this.currentTextIndex < this.wordWin.textInputs.length ) { this._spellcheck(); return; } else { this.terminateSpell(); return; } } if( this.currentWordIndex > 0 ) { this.controlWin.enableUndo(); } if( this.wordFlags[this.currentTextIndex][this.currentWordIndex] ) { this.currentWordIndex++; this._spellcheck(); } else { var evalText = ww.getTextVal( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); if( evalText ) { this.controlWin.evaluatedText.value = evalText; ww.setFocus( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); this._getSuggestions( this.currentTextIndex, this.currentWordIndex ); } } }function _getSuggestions( text_num, word_num ) { this.controlWin.clearSuggestions(); var a_suggests = this.wordWin.suggestions[text_num][word_num]; if( a_suggests ) { for( var ii = 0; ii < a_suggests.length; ii++ ) { this.controlWin.addSuggestion( a_suggests[ii] ); } } this.controlWin.selectDefaultSuggestion(); } function _setAsIgnored( text_num, word_num, flag ) { this.wordWin.removeFocus( text_num, word_num ); this.wordFlags[text_num][word_num] = flag; return true; } function _getTotalReplaced() { var i_replaced = 0; for( var i = 0; i < this.wordFlags.length; i++ ) { for( var j = 0; j < this.wordFlags.length; j++ ) { if(( this.wordFlags[j] == this.replWordFlag ) || ( this.wordFlags[j] == this.replAllFlag ) || ( this.wordFlags[j] == this.fromReplAll )) { i_replaced++; } } } return i_replaced; } function _setWordText( text_num, word_num, newText, flag ) { this.wordWin.setText( text_num, word_num, newText ); this.wordFlags[text_num][word_num] = flag; return true; } function _getFormInputs( inputPattern ) { var inputs = new Array(); for( var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++ ) { for( var j = 0; j < document.forms.elements.length; j++ ) { if( document.forms.elements[j].type.match( inputPattern )) { inputs[inputs.length] = document.forms.elements[j]; 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Post by WINN HOLDEN BRANTON. on Jul 29, 2009 20:04:55 GMT -5
okay, now for the MAIN footers. There's nothing in the main header, so don't worry about that.
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This code cannot be reposted anywhere other than SSDesigns or ProBoards Support.
This header must stay intact. */
// Size of the gap between categories var gapSize = 30;
var tabHTML = '<td id="rr" colspan="5"></table></td></tr></table><div style="height:' + gapSize + '"></div><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="bordercolor"><tr><td><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tr>';
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Post by WINN HOLDEN BRANTON. on Jul 29, 2009 20:05:26 GMT -5
okay, now we're almost done. The only thing left to do is make the titles look nice- Proboards is an asshole, so you have to do things by hand instead of just coding them that way.
For CATEGORY TITLES, name them accordingly;
[size=7]CATEGORY NAME.[/size]
For BOARD TITLES, name them like this;
[size=6][color=9DAE3C]•[/color][/size] board title,
and for the BOARD DESCRIPTIONS, just lsit them, like this;
[ul]this is the board description![/ul]